Director | Producer | Video Editor


I am an experienced Director, Producer and Video Editor who is passionate about people and their stories.

What I value the most in my work life is to build strong relationships with individuals and teams, to organize information and communicate it clearly to ensure it's accessible to all involved, and to maintain a bird's eye view of the common goal throughout the process of execution.

I like to solve problems and find creative ways to crystalize and communicate an idea. Whether it’s decoding detailed, technical information into friendlier terms, or driving the point home with the perfect musical cue, the challenges and rewards of inspiring an audience keep me engaged and passionate about what I do.


associate producer

NATIVE AMERICA is a four-part PBS documentary series from Providence Pictures. Available on Amazon and iTunes.


I direct, shoot and edit music videos, documentaries and short films independently. Check out more of my work here!

Video editor

Freelance video editor for multiple companies (see below). This is a profile of Tschabalala Self for the ICA, filmed and edited by me.

Meow catt

A sort-of-anonymous, sort-of-daily comic by me.